Festivities of Loreto in Jávea

from Aug 28, 2025 to Sep 6, 2025

Seven young couples, the so-called "Mayorales" and "Mayoralesas", are the protagonists of the "Mare de Déu de Loreto" festivities in Jávea. Bedecked in lavish attire, the girls in bridal white, the boys in elegant suits and ties, for a few days they are genuine kings and queens.

Abahana Villas - Festivities of Loreto in Javea.

Abahana Villas - Festivities of Loreto in Javea.

Party forecast for the Loreto Festival in Jávea 2024.

One of the most emotive events to be held during Jávea's Loreto Festivities, which take place on or around the 8th of September, is without a shadow of doubt, the "Noche de la Ronda", the "Night of the Rounds". At midnight, the young people who have been chosen as kings and queens, Jávea's Tuna (a traditional musical group formed by students), and almost all the local inhabitants meet in the parish church of Our lady of Loreto to begin what will be an unforgettable night.

The first hymn is sung inside the church that is dedicated to the Virgin of Loreto; then the Tuna starts walking the "Mayorales and Mayoralesas" around all their homes, stopping at every doorway that the families have decorated with marine motifs in honour of the town's Patron Saint. As they go around the town, these partygoers dance with the other members of their families, changing partners as they go. Friends, mothers and fathers, Brothers, uncles and aunts... everyone enjoys a fun and emotional night.

When the dancing comes to an end, everyone left standing enjoys a glass of wine in honour of the Virgin. Another event that is well worth seeing, if only for the spectacular attire of the festive participants and the colourful flowers and decorations they carry, is the floral offering to the "Mare de Déu de Loreto", the Mother of God. All the members of the Festival Committee, the seafaring "peñas" (clubs), the local associations and, last but by no means least, the "Mayorales and Mayoralesas", stroll around the streets in their splendid finery.

One of the traditional events that tourists enjoy best, as is the case in other towns in the province of Alicante, is the “Els Bous a la Mar”, which is becoming more and more popular in Javea as the years go by. Hundreds of young people run with young bulls and try to get them to fall into the sea - without mistreating them or even touching them in any way. It goes without saying that lots of youngsters end up in the water before the animal ever joins them, much to the delight of the onlookers. One of the particularities of Javea's version of this pastime is that it is held close to a marquee or a "chiringuito", which means that there are lots of tapas to be had and cold beer running as freely as the bulls themselves.

Of course, this being Alicante, you can't miss the spectacular "mascletás", when lots of firecrackers and fireworks are set off, filling the air with noise, emotion and the smell of gunpowder. The end of the festivities tends to be a very special occasion that normally involves lots of colours and, of course, tries to “move” people's hearts. On these occasions it's not unusual to see a tear or two running down the cheeks of the "Mayorales and Mayoralesas", desolate as they are to see these festivities that they have played such a major part in, come to an end.

One last thing: For more than forty years, the festivities have always been brought to a close with a castle of fireworks set off at sea. However, the authorities banned this event last year. Everyone therefore, is waiting to see whether this decision becomes definitive, or not.

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