Fish market of Moraira

The opportunity to buy fine, fresh produce at an affordable price, but above all to witness the experience and gain a better understanding of the fishing traditions of the delightful town of Moraira.

Abahana Villas - Fishing boats in the Lonja de Moraira.

Abahana Villas - Fishing boats in the Lonja de Moraira.

A real tradition which endures to this day, and hopefully for many years more, the fish market is where the fellowship of fishermen of Moraira auction the day's catch from the bay.

The auction is held at 10 in the morning, beginning with the highest price delicious fresh fish! before gradually dropping until a bid is offered. All those present may take part, offering the chance of carrying off a fine catch at a fairly affordable price, and of remarkable freshness.

The most typical kinds of fish to be found in the auction of octopus, hake, red mullet, bonito, Spanish sea bream, dog's tooth bream, rock fish and beach fish.

Opening hours MON-FRI 10:00h

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